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2025年2月14日|进化之光云论坛第二十四期——日本综合研究大学院大学 Hideki Innan教授

Gene duplication plays a pivotal role in genome evolution, offering a poetic opportunity for the acquisition of new functional genes. However, only a select duplicated genes manage to persist and contribute to adaptive genome evolution. This is due to molecular mechanisms that act against the emergence of new genes, such as mutation and recombination. Among these mechanisms, non-homologous gene conversion stands out. Non-homologous gene conversion serves to homogenize DNA sequence variation between the original and duplicated genes, thereby impeding the independent evolution of the two copies. In this presentation, I will introduce theoretical perspectives on the evolutionary trajectory of a new gene, with a particular emphasis on the population genetic processes immediately following gene duplication. Then, I will discuss the conditions under which a new gene can evolve.
Dr. Hideki Innan is the Director of the Research Center for Integrative Evolutionary Science at The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Japan. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1999. Following his doctoral studies, he completed postdoctoral research at the University of Rochester and the University of Southern California. From 2002 to 2006, he served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Houston. Since 2006, Dr. Innan has been affiliated with SOKENDAI, where he assumed the role of Director in 2021.
Throughout his career, Dr. Innan has focused on understanding evolutionary processes at the microevolutionary scale. His primary research interest lies in theoretical population genetics, with its application to genomic data from a wide range of species.



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